Permit for Regulatory Floodplain Development Required Submittal Items

The following items must be submitted at the time of application for a permit for any type of development in a Regulatory Floodplain. Please note that the information requested below is required in addition to the information required for any Site Development Permit.

☐ Plat of Survey

☐ Site Location Map, drawn to scale on the Regulatory Floodplain map, indicating FEMA designated flood zone

☐ Topographic Survey, indicating ground contour elevations at one-foot intervals within fifty (50) feet of the limits of development, and the base flood elevation

☐ Site Plan, drawn at minimum scale of 1”=20’, indicating the limit of the floodplain and/or floodway

☐ Proposed Grading Plan, drawn at minimum scale of 1”=20’ indicating the following information, as applicable:

       ☐ Limits of regulatory floodplains and/or floodway clearly identified

       ☐ Existing and proposed buildings and/or structures

       ☐ Ground elevations at each outside building or structure corner

       ☐ Elevation of proposed lowest floor level for any building

       ☐ Existing and proposed asphalt, concrete and other impervious surfaces including brick pavers and artificial turf

       ☐ Areas of grading and fill clearly identified

       ☐ Limits and volume of proposed area of compensatory storage

       ☐ Methods of soil stabilization and erosion control

☐ Cross-section views of the project for the impacted reach showing existing and proposed conditions, dimensions and elevations, normal water elevation, 10-year frequency flood elevation, 100-year frequency flood elevation, and graphic or numerical scales.

☐ Calculation of proposed volume of fill within the floodplain

☐ Calculation of proposed volume of compensatory storage (minimum 1.20 x volume of fill)

☐ Preliminary Elevation Certificate of the proposed lowest floor elevation, including basements and attached garages for new buildings