SFR Site Development Plan Checklist

Please submit the following with your application:

☐ Completed Watershed Development Permit Application  (if applicable) 

☐ Completed Tree Removal Permit Application 

☐ Site plan prepared by a licensed Illinois Professional Engineer at 1”=20’ scale

☐ Legal description of property, gross lot area and net lot area in square feet

☐ The location of all existing and proposed buildings or structures on the property. Indicate building setbacks. (Note: setback is measured from edge of roadway easement on private streets)

☐ Type of foundation (e.g. slab, crawl or basement). Indicate existing and proposed elevations of the basement and first floor

☐ The location of all existing and proposed streets, roadways, driveways, easements and rights of way

☐ The existing and proposed elevations of the site. Contour interval shall be not more than one foot (1'), and shall be on NAVD 1988 datum. Benchmarks are available from the Village Engineer. The source benchmark must be noted, and a stable site benchmark established

☐ Enough information on those areas abutting or adjacent to the site to show existing drainage patterns and the drainage course that may affect or be affected by the development of the site

☐ Woodland/Tree Protection and Landscape Plan on separate plan sheet

☐ The limits of the Regulatory Floodplain and/or Floodway as defined in the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance within 40’ of the construction area (if applicable)

☐ Base Flood Elevations shown on the currently effective Flood Insurance Rate Map or Flood Insurance Study

☐ The location and volume and of all required compensatory floodwater storage areas

☐ Wetland areas or Isolated Waters of Lake County. A wetland delineation and jurisdictional determination shall be required if the Lake County Wetland Inventory indicates that any portion of the property may have wetlands

☐ The location of all existing and proposed utilities, including sanitary sewers and services, water mains and services, wells, gas, telephone, electric, cable television lines, and utility meters

☐ Well protected by temporary chain-link fencing

☐ The location of all existing and proposed drainage to, from and across the site, culverts and other drainage structures, including intermittent and permanent springs, sump pump discharges, downspouts, and any tile lines, and storm pipes, including lines intended to collect water from downspouts

☐ The extent of the areas to be excavated or filled along with information as measures to prevent erosion

☐ Details of any proposed retaining walls. Walls in excess of three feet (3’) high shall require certification by a structural engineer

☐ Construction driveway location & detail

☐ Location of sanitary and trash facilities

☐ Topsoil stockpile area

☐ Lot coverage table

☐ Complete fixture count and water supply demand (in water supply fixture units per Illinois Plumbing Code)

☐ Person in Charge Certificate

☐ Village Standard Details  

☐ Village site development notes

☐ Owner’s,  Design Engineer’s, Village Engineer’s, and Village Ecologist’s Certificates

☐ A dated digital video file clearly showing the existing condition of all portions of the street(s), shoulders, parkways, ditches, and culverts along or within 100 feet of the property to be developed

☐ Notice of Construction Sign