Fireworks Safety and The Law

Around the 4th of July, many people overlook the obvious dangers of fireworks, which can also find their way into the hands of children who can be burned, blinded, and otherwise injured from heat, fire, projectiles, and explosions. Remember, fireworks are gunpowder explosives and are just plain dangerous.  Given that we are in the woods, the use of any fireworks by non-professionals is extremely dangerous.

Although purchasing some types of fireworks may be legal in some neighboring states, they are illegal to use or possess in Illinois.  The Village of Riverwoods prohibits firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, Roman candles or other fireworks of like construction, or any fireworks containing any explosive or inflammable compound, tablets, or other device commonly used and sold as fireworks.   Possession and sale are against the law year-round, with no exception on the 4th of July Holiday.  (5-1E-5: FIREWORKS PROHIBITED; EXCEPTIONS)

State Law or Riverwoods Ordinance does not prohibit sparklers, but extreme caution should be used when handling them.  The tip of a sparkler burns at 1,200 degrees. For comparison, a match burns at 325 degrees. They can cause serious burns, even after being extinguished. Young children should not hold sparklers.  Older children permitted to use them should be instructed on the dangers and closely supervised by adults at all times.

The best way to protect your family is to not use any fireworks at home. Attend public fireworks displays and leave the lighting to the professionals. For information on local fireworks events and activities, go to:  

Buffalo Grove



For more information or questions, contact:

Bruce Dayno
Chief of Police