Sustainability Task Force

A resident-run task force initiated by the Riverwoods Preservation Council (RPC) charged with drafting sustainability and climate action plans for the Village.

What is sustainability? 

Sustainability is the process of using resources at a rate they can be replenished and only to the extent required to fulfill our needs. Riverwoods considers itself an ecologically protective community, and should therefore encourage sustainability activities such as:

  • Reduction of energy consumption
  • Maintenance of clean and healthful air
  • Development of resiliency to climate change impacts
  • Encouragement of sustainable land use and housing development
  • Continued expansion and maintenance of a robust woodland and native ecology
  • Guiding future development to conserve natural topography, views, drainage patterns, existing vegetation
  • Fostering healthy community relationships through use of open space (e.g., programs at Village properties)
  • Engaging residents through a natural resources, conservation and/or woodland commission 
  • Encouraging the community to participate in sustainability initiatives and events

What is a climate action plan?

A climate action plan would focus specifically on reducing Village greenhouse gas emissions from a variety of sources. The plan also would seek ways in which the Village can mitigate and adapt to climate change. Riverwoods’s climate action strategies may include:

  • Creating paths that encourage residents to walk or bicycle instead of driving
  • Committing the Village to purchasing only zero- or low-emissions vehicles
  • Creating streamlined solar codes
  • Requiring new developments to install electric vehicle charging stations
  • Facilitating community solar programs for residents
  • Requiring only renewable clean energy options as part of an electric aggregation contract
  • Improving green infrastructure to mitigate future flooding events (e.g., open space; rain gardens; wetlands preservation).

Sustainability Task Force

Meetings are scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 7:00pm to 8:30 pm at Village Hall while completing the sustainability plan.